WHY IS FITNESS IMPORTANT FOR GOLFERS?Whenever I step outside of the bubble of this great online community or the gyms I work out of this is probably the first reaction and...
6 MUST HAVES IN YOUR GOLF FITNESS PROGRAMYou’ve been convinced - after all, all the top guys are at it. You head to the gym with the intention of working on your fitness to...
FILLING BUCKETS TO IMPROVE GOLF FITNESSIn the first part of this 'improving golf fitness' series I explained why golfers are left spinning there wheels, doing programs that...
UNDERSTANDING ENERGY SYSTEMS TO IMPROVE GOLF FITNESSI’m lucky to have a small but dedicated following on social media, email, this site, etc (thank you!) and this affords me the ability to...
HOW SPECIFIC DOES YOUR TRAINING NEED TO BE?Specificity is one of the most important principles of strength training. It states that training should be relevant and appropriate to...